franz cerami

Franz Cerami designs, since 20 years, digital artworks like the Virtual Museum of contemporary Architecture Muvarc, the virtual scenographies of the italian television show Mediamente, the Virtual Conservatory of Music “San Pietro a Majella”, the installations Moving architectures, Miss Digital World, Digital Ports.
He has been director of the University Master in Projecting and Realization of Virtual Museums, the European Festival of short audiovisual comunication Corto Circuito, the multimedia festival applied to Cultural Goods “Monumedia”.
The main feature of Franz Cerami’s works is to combine technology and art creating unique events and products.
Cerami uses digital technologies to build and elaborate art journeys, pièce uniques.
The intellectual dispositive used by Cerami is the integration between art and multimedia. The art seen like an esploration of the cultural legacy, seen like sign and witness of culture, research and invention, seen like a value. Multimedia as a journey, as a tool, as an interaction of languages, knowledge and information depth, interactivity.